Conditions of Hire

Courtesy with respect to other users:

All users of the Club Premises will take into consideration the rights of Club Members and other users of the facility, with particular regard to noise and access to other parts of the premises.

Kitchen, Furnishing and PA System:

Self-catering is not available. Catering requirements can be discussed and agreed with the Hospitality Manager at the time of booking.

The clubroom is fully furnished, with audio visual, PA and sound system available. There is no charge for the built in microphone and speaker system (suitable for speeches). There is a hire charge of $200 for the use of the independent mixer and speakers, a personal device can be plugged into this system for music, maximum sound levels will be set.


It is the hirer’s responsibility to leave the club’s Premises in a clean state with all rubbish and decorations removed from the building. Any cleaning over and above the normal cleaning procedures for the club will incur a cost to the hirer.

Setup and after function requirements:

It is the hirer’s responsibility to set up the area/s being hired as required and to return the furniture to the original setting.


A bond of $500 is to be paid on confirming booking, this being surety against damage to the Golf Club property. The Clubhouse and environs are to be left as you found them. Once all conditions in the Cleaning, Setup and After Function Requirements, and Bond sections are complied with to the satisfaction of the Club Manager, the bond will be returned either in full or with compensatory deductions within three (3) working days.


If a booked session is cancelled with at least 1 months notice, the hirer will only incur a $100 administration fee. Any bookings after this time will incur a cancellation fee amounting to the $250 deposit.


The Hirer is financially responsible for any damage done during the hire. Should this be in excess of the $500 bond the Hirer will be invoiced for the balance.


Security is a requirement of all bookings and will be supplied by the Club's Security Contractor - they are familiar with the buildings and surroundings and alarm systems. This will be agreed at the time of hire and charged out at $50 per hour. The Club takes no responsibility for the security of any items stored on the Club’s Premises throughout the period of hire. 


Any Alcohol consumed on the Club’s premises must have been purchased from the Club bar. This is a condition of our Liquor Licence, all requirements of the Club’s Liquor Licence must be adhered to.


In accordance with the Regulations, smoking is NOT PERMITED in the Clubhouse Building at any time. There is one dedicated smoking area on the outside of the clubrooms.  This area must be kept tidy and presentable with no rubbish or cigarette butts discarded.

Fire Policy:

No pyrotechnics or explosives (fireworks) to be used on the Club Premises at any time. No open fires, naked flames (this includes candles and kerosene lamps). No BBQs and or Spits to be used on the Premises unless the Club gives prior consent.

Fire Safety:

Every hirer is required to be familiar with the evacuation procedures for the premises in case of fire. The Hirer or the person whose name appears on the Hire agreement is deemed to be the appointed Fire Warden. The appointed Fire Warden must ensure that all means of egress are checked twice during the hire period – once on entering the facility, and once during the course of the function. In the event of fire, call the Fire Brigade by dialling 111 and evacuate the building!



The conditions of the Club’s Hire Agreement requires the Hirer or his/her nominee to assume all responsibilities for the safety of the occupants of the premises during the period of Hire.

As part of setting up for, and during the function/event, the Hirer is required to ensure:

  • that means of escape from the building are kept free from obstacles,
  • the exit doors are not locked or barred,
  • and that entrances are not used for storage or accumulation of waste.
  • a mobile phone is available for emergency purposes.

In the event of a fire alarm sounding, the Hirer will:

  • turn off all music or noise that is part of the function/event;
  • call 111 or confirm that 111 call to the Fire Service has been made.
  • proceed to the Assembly Area in the main car park and await the Fire Service.
  • conduct or arrange to conduct a head count to ensure all members of the party are safe.

Upon arrival of the Fire Service the Hirer will:

  • Inform the Officer in Charge of the status of the evacuation and the location of anybody still in the building;
  • await the “All Clear” from the Fire Service
  • give the “All Clear” for a return to the function.